Sweet Relief
If “change is the only constant in life” (Heraclitus), you’d think we’d grow accustomed to it.
I don’t know about you, but change mostly makes me feel untethered.
And when that change requires a full 180° eval, I get scared. Like when I walked away from a twenty-seven year teaching career in July of 2022 with one college tuition still to chalk up.
But I’ve learned is that change doesn’t have to feel like the poised apple doll I used to imagine under my bed at night.
If I access my subconscious and get my pen moving, I can become curious about how I can reframe the shifts I’m going through.
If this resonates with you, here are some prompts to get you started:
📝 When have I felt the most impactful?
📝 When have I faced uncertainty and prevailed?
📝 When have I felt the most free?
📝 How has serendipity played a role in my path?
📝 How can I move forward fearing less, yet feeling more?
📝 What is my inner voice whispering to me now, and do I have the guts to listen to it?
If you’d like guidance picking up the pen and moving it freely, I’m here for you, remotely or in person, individually or in groups. The hardest part is showing up. But the relief is sweet, indeed.