An eight-week course to distill your inner voice, to
write what needs to be written.
Liese G.
“Jen’s process feels like magic. It’s difficult to describe until you experience it for yourself!”
What will I gain?
You will gain understanding about your past.
You will feel fearless in your present.
You will achieve clarity for your future.
You will feel more and more like your truest self.
What is the process?
Each week, I’ll guide you through my five-step process to uncover your authentic voice:
Set yourself up with intention: Pay attention to space, self, and materials.
Still the mind: Experience guided visualizations and meditations
Write what needs to be written: Write from a new, timed prompt each week. Sensory experiences, poetry, photography, music, art, movement: we write from it all.
Highlight the Heightened Feelings: Mine the gems from your writing (there are always gems) alone or in a small break-out group.
Begin Again: Learn how to go deeper from a gem.
Who is this for?
This writing experience is for anyone eager to reconnect with their inner voice and live from it. Perhaps you put your diary down at age sixteen and never picked it back up. Perhaps you’re at a transition point, looking for answers. Perhaps you’re trying to make sense of the route that’s led you here.
Whether you consider yourself a writer or not (I believe we are all writers), Authentic Voice is for you.
When do we meet?
Register for the day that works best for you, but enjoy the flexibility to attend the other day when scheduling conflicts arise.
Winter, 2025: 4 PM to 5:15 PM PACIFIC on:
What is this NOT?
This is NOT a writing workshop. We are not focused on craft and revision these skills, when arriving too early, embolden the inner critic and freeze the ink.
Our emphasis is on self-exploration on the page.
Q: What if I have to miss a session?
A: Join the other session in the same week for your make-up.
Q: Will the sessions be recorded?
A: Portions of each session will be recorded and shared with the group, but you’ll need to join live for the full experience.
Q: Do I need to share my writing?
A: Sharing is always optional, and always confidential.
Q: Are there individual sessions, as well?
A: We always meet as a group, and we utilize break-out rooms for small group opportunities during in portions of our time.
Q: Why do you talk about letting the ink lead the way?
A: Giving ourselves permission to write whatever emerges, without judgement, is a key principle in the method.
Q: Is the work challenging?
A: The process is simple, but not easy. You’ll need a dose of courage and a curiosity for what will arise on the page.
Q: Is Authentic Voice therapy?
A: No, though the insights that arise from moving the pen can feel therapeutic.
Q: What is the Zoom link?
A: The Zoom link and additional details will be provided upon registration.
Q: What if I’m not satisfied?
A: That has never happened, but I’m happy to refund your registration fee if you don’t find the method and process extraordinary.
Paul D.
“I am not a writer, and yet I was able to open a new window to my world and my life through writing. The things that I uncovered, the stories that have made me who I am, were all there to be explored. Jen’s direction and process works. And it is fun. Step by step, she helped me find my authentic voice. I am a better man for it.”
Erin S.
“I was surprised by how open I was to writing about my mother with an unflinching eye. Normally, I feel so much shame. Thank you, Jen. You are onto something sooooo good!”
Anonymous feedback from the Fall, 2024 Participants:
The process is fantastic. I love what I write.
I’m enjoying thinking of “stuff” that I have not thought of in decades. I’m enjoying exploring my true thoughts on things. I’m enjoying sharing time with strong smart, funny women.
I am enjoying the discipline of time set aside weekly to tap into what's already there. It's time I do not need to conjure anything up. And it's nice seeing that there is, in fact, something there. Something lovely, and sometimes hard, and that I do not need to fear.
I enjoy having a safe open space for creative exploration, community/togetherness even virtually (and I am really sick of virtual). I love the rich sharing and the nourishing feedback/gems, I like the variety of prompts. I wish the gathering time was a bit longer!
I'm really enjoying so many things. I like how each week there are varied methods of inspiring us to write. Jen has been very clear in setting up each session, so we know what is being asked of us. The meditation before has helped to still my mind and get me into the mode of writing whatever! I really love the other individuals in the group, both groups.I also appreciate the attention to the time that is scheduled and keeping to that, even though we could stay on a call for hours doing this! I also appreciate that there isn't pressure to do the work in between sessions, just as we are able. Thank you for your skills and for your compassion walking us through this.
I am enjoying the various stimulations to illicit thoughts within, to disrupt the inner self of known safety and structure. I love the beginning eruptions of questioning, the self unveiling, the curiosity, the fear, the WOW. What comes out is sometimes a civil war within, but an enlightening, a desire for further insight. Jen you lead in such a perceptive, navigational way that serves as a role model for me. I am in AWE, energy, intuitiveness, lightness, giving, knowledge. Thank You!
I am obsessed in reflection of a gem last Thursday that seems to scream more....shall I dare write more, yet that gem may have coined in three words where I am at this moments. Write more, yes...xx
I enjoy the dropping in and the writing processes. Overall, it has been a great experience!
I am enjoying all the different ways you are motivating me to Mine My Gems! I never thought the sketching exercise could be such an inspiring experience!
I’m enjoying the prompts. It's pulling me out of my surface-thinking and helping me go deeper where I don't seem to have as much time to spend there during these past few months.
I was tired tonight, almost decided not to log in. After having just arrived home from two days out of town, tired, hungry, tense, a bit grumpy. I decided to eat, and get comfy, and remember the gems…and I found myself at ease joining the class, without ‘forcing myself’ to do so. You’re a wonderful teacher. I’m getting a lot from this experience, and I’m creating stuff that’s making me smile. Thank you!
Every 7 minute writing, has been an exposure of the self. Yes, an ouch at times, a fear to look further inward, the fade of fear, yes, the pinhole of light, to edge, to look, a pause, a movement forward.
Tonight I felt suspended, free, calm. Thank you!
Mimi D.
“Brilliant. Your steps to getting your story down are the best I’ve ever seen, and I wrote pages and pages. Thank you!”
Lisa C.
“You created the sweetest, safest, most loving space for me to take this big step. The dam has broken, and now I write right through the timer. I cannot stop!
Liz H.
“Jen teaches amazing tools to explore thoughts, emotions, and life experiences in a safe, communal space. It was a writing exploration like no other. I highly recommend it!”
The Details
Deadline to Register: January 7, 2025 or until the course fills.
Limit 12 participants
Everyone deserves the opportunity to reconnect with their authentic voice. If the tuition is a barrier at this time, please reach out so that we can find creative solutions to ensure that everyone who is eager to participate is able to.
I’m here!
818. 208.0378
Calendly: Sign up here for 20 minutes with Jen by phone or Zoom to get your questions answered.